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M&B Pest Control - Fumigation - Marketing Limited Co./ Fumigation

m&b Fumigation

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Description of Fumigation :
Fumigation is a method of killing pests, termites or any other harmful living organisms to prevent transfer of exotic organisms ( fungus, bacteria ) . Fumigation is executed, by suffocating or poisoning pest, within an area of specified space by using fumigants.

Important Things on Fumigation ;

- Fumigation is fatal and dangerous. - Fumigation should be done at least 2 operators whos has fumigation certificates. - Fumigation location should be checked carefully against air flow and impermeability. - Location should not be opened for usage before fumigation is done. - Fumigation should be completed by special fumigation operators

Importance of Fumigation :

Fumigation is a method of killing pests, termites or any other harmful living organisms to prevent transfer of exotic organisms. Fumigation is executed, by suffocating or poisoning pest, within an area of specified space by using fumigants.. It is a process where a fumigant which is a chemical at required temperature and pressure can exist in a gaseous state in sufficient concentration which will be lethal to given pest organism.  Fumigation is one of the best and cost effective way in order to terminate the varmints and insects which contain diseases and unhealthy conditions.

Types of Fumigation :

  • Tent Fumigation : It is applied by stowing and covering the Cargo.
    Container Fumigation : It is applied to inside the container. 
    Vessel  Fumigation : It is applied stowing cargo in vessel holds with impermeability ways
    Silo Fumigation : It is applied to grain and pulse cargoes.
    Mill Fumigation : It is applied to flour in the mills.
    Wooden Package and Box Fumigation : It is applied  both  in containers or under tent.

    Historical Artifact and Museum Fumigation : It is applied by covering all the artifacts one by one.
  • Transporting goods in ships and aircrafts between countries using containers is an economic and well established practice. Fumigation becomes necessary in order to keep away exotic pests and diseases entering into the country while permitting reasonably rapid clearance of containers. By carrying out fumigation at the port of loading clearance of the container at the discharge port can be done without any infestation problem.

    • Fumigation should be done by special certified operators to prevent unwanted dangerous results such as toxic residue, due to fumigants explosive substance or to prevent damaging manufacturing products and  mutilation of plants .

      Control on Common Varmints :

      • Wheat Lice (Sitophilus Granarius) 
        Flour Lice (Tribolium Castanoum)
        Tobacco Lice (Lasioderma serricorne)
        Rice Lice (Sitophilus Oryzae)
        Barley Lice (Sitotroga Carealella)