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Disinfection (Fr. desinfection)
It is the elimination of pathogens germs In order to fight infectious diseases. Sterilization is terminating all the pathogen or not pathogen microorganisms which are tried to be protected . Allthough it is a healthy abundance of microbes and disinfection of infectious diseases due to the effect of the frequency of ambiguous forms are limited. In particular, it limits direct and major contamination.
Effect of the disinfectants are the physical or mechanical such as light , fire , ( quicklime ). However, common disinfectants are chemicals. They can be used in three different modes .
Disinfection in Health :
Disinfection is implemented before and after illness. It should be applied not only the patient but the visitors and where he/she touch , garment , spit , and his /her environment as well. Indoor places disinfection should be done with steam ( formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, chlorine) or antiseptics that can be sprayed to melt ( Javelin water , sublimation , carbolic acid , etc. . ). Disinfection of stuffs is generally made by steam or dry heat . Notifiable disease ( tularemia, outside food poisoning and tetanus ) disinfection is mandatory.
Disinfection in Agriculture
Disinfection in agriculture is basicly for terminating the organism that could provide diseases on plants. Those organisms could be animal ( insects, varmints ) or herbal ( fungus, seeds ). In order to get the best effect, steam disinfection or multiple effect chemicals should be applied. Because of its high cost, it is mainly used in agriculture. It is only used to protect and aiming certain types and sensitive plant pest control .